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Monday, 2 May 2016

New Mobile Friendly Test from Google Search Console

gsc new mobile friendly testGoogle is testing a brand new mobile friendly testing tool.  Dan Shure from EvolvingSEO was the first to spot the test, which seems to be added as part of a transition to new /search-console/ URLs in the subdomain.  He shared these screenshots with TheSEMPost, showing the new design and features.

Here is what the new design looks like:

gsc rebrand 2

And here is how it currently looks for those not seeing the new style.

new mf test9

The blocked resources section is much more comprehensive, and now includes the full URL instead of the truncated version.  It still shows third party resources from common third parties, such as Facebook.

Here is how the blocked resources section looks now:

new mf test 2

Here is the current version, with much less information for each URL:

new mf test6

When you click on the “Next steps” expander, it sends you to Google’s webmaster help mf test 1

For the curious, it does sent you through a few redirects.

new mf test 3

For sites that are not mobile friendly, they have made it a bit more clearer to fix the issues:

new mf test5

Here is the older version without the “learn how to fix these errors” call to action:

new mf test8


It does seem to trigger the Google CAPTCHA when you run the test a few times (similar to the submit URL CAPTCHA Google recently added), including one with the image verification.

new mf test 4

Also new is a link to a site-wide mobile usability report.  However, this just leads to the usual mobile usability page in Search Console.  Note that this isn’t anything to do with the mobile-friendly ranking boost going site-wide… that boost and tag in the search results is still on a page by page basis.

Dan also notes that it seems to run a bit slower than the previous version of the tool though.

Dan Shure also shared a video of clicking around the new mobile friendly tool.

Google has been heavily promoting mobile for the past couple of years, and Google is expected to give an additional ranking boost for mobile friendly search results this month.

The post New Mobile Friendly Test from Google Search Console appeared first on The SEM Post.

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