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Friday, 13 May 2016

New Google AdWords Carousel Within Ad in Search Results

adwords carousel

This is a very interesting mobile test, and one I know advertisers will be eager to test out.  This regular mobile AdWords unit seems to be more like a product carousel, but with rentals instead of regular products.  And it looks absolutely amazing.

adwords side scroll sitelinks

There were a total of four listings.  Here is the view when you view through to the end of the carousel

adwords side scroll sitelinks 2

Four total items are in the carousel, which has a “visit site” at the end.

The potential uses for this type of ad are staggering.  They could list rentals, how AirBNB uses it here.  They could list houses for sales by real estate agents with this style.  And it could even be used by hotel sites or aggregators to show a variety of hotels available in a city or town.  And of course it could be used for regular products as well.

This also allows for advertisers to showcase additional products/listings/services that wouldn’t have the same impact as a regular sitelink.

I don’t recall AdWords testing any other carousels within an AdWords ad previously.

Conrad O’Connell was the first to spot the new test.  He wasn’t able to replicate it across any other queries, even ones from AirBNB which seem to be the ones testing this new feature.

As with all AdWords tests, you should reach out to your AdWords account manager to see if you can be included in this test.  But like some AdWords tests, this may not come out of testing to be a live feature.  But it does look amazing.

The post New Google AdWords Carousel Within Ad in Search Results appeared first on The SEM Post.

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